Interactive Strategy

Interactive Marketing

Today, unfocused marketing campaigns are an anachronism as consumers expect highly personalized marketing that targets their preferences, and online businesses need to consider this when reaching and interacting with their customers. One of the customer-centric marketing approaches to meet that demand is interactive marketing. To be more precise, interactive marketing is perhaps one of the most powerful marketing approaches now since it is typically up to 12 times more effective than traditional direct marketing. So, how does it work and how can you get the most out of interactive marketing?

Interactive marketing has many names: one-to-one marketing, event-driven marketing, or trigger-based marketing. Whatever the name, the idea behind it remains the same: react to what the customer is doing and increase marketing effectiveness. Interactive marketing is a two-way effort, focused on interaction and collaboration with regard to the reaction and inclination of the customers. Thus, interactive marketing campaigns are directly proportional to how consumers act, what they expect and demand, and how they behave. Nowadays, interactive marketing could be used in all organisations and at all levels, that is B2B and B2C, high and low transactions businesses, as well as pre-sale prospect management and post-sale customer management because at any of this points, it becomes easier to meet customer needs when they interact with you and show an interest in your product.

When it comes to how exactly you can implement interactive marketing, you have a lot to choose from. Personalized content, layered information, and interactive storytelling are all great examples of interactive marketing, but if you’re looking for the most dynamic method, then you’ll want to use gamification and its two-way interaction approaches. It gives consumers a chance to actively participate and is the backbone of interactive marketing. Such tools as games, quizzes, polls, calculators, videos, and interactive infographics will give your audience a more powerful, almost tactile experience. Let’s look at each of these in more detail:

  • Games, especially contests, are an effective way to increase brand awareness and lead generation. Games are fun, and people have a natural desire to compete and win. Besides, people get excited about winning something that they wouldn’t buy otherwise. That’s why a game is one of the surest tricks in the book of interactive marketing. Today, games and contests rarely appear as a standalone strategy. Rather, they are included in a holistic marketing strategy.
  • Quizzes and polls. Quizzes are a highly effective form of interactive marketing. They give users the feeling of excitement and fun, but perhaps the best thing about quizzes is that they are easily shareable. In fact, most people enter them because they can share the results with their friends and connect with people who have similar views. Polls, similar to quizzes, engage users by providing immediate results on the given topic. People complete polls because they want to know the opinions of others and, more importantly, to see if their views differ or align with those of the rest.
  • Calculators are another gamification tool and are great at qualifying prospects and creating relevancy. Calculators help see the outcomes of using your service and entice the users by comparing their results to others. Before implementing your own calculator, think about it this way: what urgent question that your customers have can your calculator answer?
  • Videos are the pillars of any successful marketing strategy today. Interactive videos help viewers to create their own journey. They foster user interaction through clicks, touches, or taps and are not just about “play” or “pause”. Viewers engage with content, explore the storyline, and make their choices. As a result, interactive videos boost engagement, viewing time, and conversions from video content due to gamification and personalization.
  • Interactive infographics. Even the best traditional infographic is still just words and images. That’s why interactive and animated infographics make a difference: they not only grow brand trust, engage your audience, or explain complex concepts but also bring life to the info you present. When creating interactive infographics, you can include clickable links and lead-qualifying content by inserting forms or Youtube videos.

With all the above in mind, it’s clear that interactive marketing is a highly advantageous endeavour, so let’s define its main benefits precisely:

  1. Interactive marketing boosts user engagement as it increases the time spent on your website and gives customers a memorable experience.
  2. Interactive marketing improves conversions. If it guides customers through the entire sales cycle and provides personalized content just when they need it, you can be sure that you’ve got user attention and interest. Then, conversion is more likely to follow.
  3. Qualifying leads becomes easier with interactive marketing. It helps exclude low-quality prospects with specifying questions and targeted content.
  4. One of the biggest benefits of interactive marketing is its shareability. Rewarding participants for sharing your interactive content will help it reach a greater number of people, generate more leads, and grow your ROI.
  5. With interactive marketing, you can give your customers a more personal, intimate experience through personalized communication.

It’s important to remember that consumer expectations are constantly changing, and if you want to have a solid online presence, you need to understand these changes and interact with users accordingly. What remains the same is that you are responsible for fostering a relationship with your customers. With Brame and our multiple interactive marketing solutions, you’ll be able to speak to your customers as individuals, give them highly personalized, conversational content, and strengthen your relationship.

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