Insights und Kontroversen: 20 Zitate über Kundentreue
Als Führungskraft in einem Unternehmen weisst du genau, wie wichtig der Aufbau und die Pflege der Kundenbeziehungen ist. Du bist ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Strategien und Tools, mit denen du stärkere und profitablere Beziehungen zu deinem Publikum aufbauen kannst.
Langfristige Kundenzufriedenheit ist ein Schlüsselfaktor für das Erreichen deiner Unternehmensziele. Für grosse Unternehmen ist es ebenso wichtig, Kunden zufrieden zu stellen und zu binden wie für kleine Unternehmen, die gerade erst am Anfang stehen. Der Aufbau emotionaler Beziehungen zu deinen Kunden und die Schaffung aussergewöhnlicher Erlebnisse an jedem Touchpoint, verbessern die Kundenloyalität und Retention-Raten massiv.
In diesem Beitrag geben wir Einblicke in die Meinungen über die Kundenloyalität von Unternehmensführern aus aller Welt. Darüber hinaus bieten wir dir Trends und Statistiken, die dir helfen, den Wert der Kundenloyalität besser zu verstehen und zu erkennen, wie sie sich auf deinen Gewinn auswirken kann.
In diesem Beitrag:
Teilen wir inspirierende und kontroverse Zitate über Kundenloyalität
Schauen wir uns Trends und Statistiken zum allgemeinen Kundenerlebnis an
Fassen wir im Anschluss die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse zusammen
Vor der Gründung von Pi HQ konzentrierte sich Ositadinma Uwam auf die Geschäftsentwicklung für die kanadische Vertriebssoftware Volley. Ausserdem hat er Unternehmen in Europa, Nordamerika und Afrika bei der Ausweitung ihrer lokalen und globalen Vertriebsbemühungen in verschiedenen Branchen unterstützt, darunter Immobilien, Business-to-Business (B2B)-Technologie, Marketing und Werbung.
Durch seine Arbeit mit Unternehmen aller Grössen hat er Einblicke in eine riesige Vertriebslandschaft erhalten und weiss, wie man ein Customer Relationship Management (CRM) für langfristigen Erfolg aufbaut. Uwam argumentiert, dass nicht der Fokus auf die Konkurrenz, sondern die Konzentration auf den Kunden dir den gewünschten Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen wird.
2. Langfristige Kundenbeziehungen aufbauen
Jacques Ludik blickt auf eine beeindruckende, langjährige Karriere in den Bereichen Datenwissenschaft, Softwareentwicklung und künstliche Intelligenz (KI) zurück. Als Founder und Führungskraft teilt er seine Erkenntnisse darüber, was Kundenloyalität bedeutet und wie sie erreicht wird.
Er ist der Meinung, dass der Schlüssel zur Kundengewinnung darin liegt, zu beweisen, dass deine Marke vertrauenswürdig ist. Ausserdem musst du deinen Kunden das Gefühl geben, dass sie sich wertgeschätzt fühlen. Durch kontinuierliche positive Interaktionen mit deiner Marke werden deine Kunden zufrieden sein und im besten Falle ihre Erfahrungen mit anderen teilen.
3. Die Loyalität gegenüber deinen Kunden
Jacob Lokshin ist ein ehemaliger Logistikexperte der US Air Force. Derzeit absolviert er den Master of Business Administration (MBA) an der Stanford University. Während der Pandemie war er Co-Founder eines Unternehmens für medizinische Lieferketten, das später von einem grossen Player dieser Branche übernommen wurde.
Als Experte für die Entwicklung von Führungskräften hat James Guilford mit dem berühmten Cirque du Soleil zusammengearbeitet, um Schulungen für dessen Teams anzubieten. Zu seinen Fachgebieten gehören Kundenbeziehungen, Change Management und strategische Führungsentwicklung.
Für Guilford sind treue Kunden diejenigen, die dein Produkt oder deine Dienstleistung in einem Meer von Wettbewerbern aktiv suchen. Dies bedeutet gleichzeitig, dass du dich von der Konkurrenz über deine Dienste deutlich abheben solltest.
5. Kundenloyalität führt zu Kundenbindung
Nick Bricker verfügt über langjährige Erfahrung als Vertriebsleiter bei Start-ups sowie etablierten Unternehmen und teilt mit uns seine Sichtweise zum Aufbau eines treuen Kundenstamms. Nach Brickers Erfahrung sind loyale Kunden anpassungsfähiger in gerade den Situationen, in denen dein Produkt oder deine Dienstleistung nicht dem Standard entspricht, den sie eigentlich gewohnt sind.
Diese Kunden sind unglaublich wertvoll für dein Unternehmen, da sie dir helfen, deine Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu verbessern.
6. Generiere erfolgreiche Mundpropaganda
Dean Mathews ist Softwareentwickler und hat gleich zwei Softwareunternehmen gegründet. Derzeit ist er CEO von OnTheClock – einer Zeiterfassungsplattform für KMUs.
Wie bereits in Ludiks Zitat erwähnt, ist auch Mathews der Ansicht, dass sich die Loyalität der Kunden in ihren Weiterempfehlungen an ihre Freunde und Familie zeigt. Es handelt sich jedoch um einen zweigliedrigen Prozess: Dein Produkt oder deine Dienstleistung muss von so hoher Qualität sein, dass die Kunden sich nicht für einen Konkurrenten entscheiden.
7. Kundenloyalität ist Mitarbeiterbindung
Stuti Dhandhania ist derzeit Employee Experience Manager bei McDonald’s und arbeitet eng mit dem Führungsteam zusammen. In ihrer Rolle sind ihre Kunden die Mitarbeiter. Sie vertritt die Ansicht, dass Mitarbeiter eine starke emotionale Bindung an die Marke haben müssen, um bei der Arbeit erfolgreich zu sein. Wenn sich die Mitarbeiter wertgeschätzt und mit der Marke verbunden fühlen, werden dies auch die Kunden spüren.
8. Loyal Customers Are Insistent
Chip R. Bell is a recognized customer service expert and Founder at the Chip Bell Group, a management consulting firm that specializes in customer service and experience training. He has authored and co-authored 24 books, including his latest, Inside Your Customer’s Imagination: 5 Secrets for Creating Breakthrough Products, Services, and Solutions (2020).
Bell is most well-known for his work on the customer journey and how it can be mapped out. He maintains that loyal customers will not simply continue doing business with you. It also means they will bring new business to you. In this sense, customer loyalty is as much a sales strategy as a customer experience (CX) strategy.
9. Customer Loyalty Is Like Friendship
Jerry Gregoire is the former Chief Information Officer (CIO) of Dell Computers and Vice President of Information Systems for Pepsi-Cola Company. He is most often quoted saying, “The customer experience is the next competitive battleground.” He has also written much about the role of CIOs and the importance of customer experience.
Gregoire’s frank approach to customer experience in the software industry led to Dell’s rapid growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s. He argues that market differentiation comes down to the extra help you can offer customers when they are making buying decisions. It is about selling an amazing customer experience, more so than selling a commodity.
10. Earn Customer Loyalty
John DiJulius is a customer experience expert, keynote speaker, and author of the book The Customer Service Revolution: Overthrow Conventional Business, Inspire Employees, and Change the World (2015).
He emphasizes that customer loyalty is not something that can be bought with discounts or rewards programs. Instead, businesses must earn loyalty by consistently delivering excellent products and services and building strong customer relationships.
This requires a long-term commitment to customer satisfaction and a focus on building trust and loyalty over time.
11. Customer Loyalty Is About Values
Simon Sinek is a well-known author, book publisher, and motivational speaker. He founded Sinek Partners, a consulting firm that helped organizations develop their leadership and culture. As Founder of The Curve, he is working towards improving policing practices in the USA and beyond.
The customer experience quote above is from Sinek’s famous book, Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action (2011). It forms part of his concept of “The Golden Circle,” which explains how leaders and organizations can inspire others by communicating their purpose and vision, rather than simply their products or features.
12. Understand Your Customer’s Perception
Kate Zabriskie is a customer experience expert focusing on customer service and communication skills training. She has held managerial positions in the marketing and advertising industry for three decades. Her company helps business leaders and their teams build the soft skills needed to communicate better and understand how to meet their customers’ needs.
13. Be The Customer
Anthony Bartorillo has been in sales directorship roles for over 20 years and is passionate about designing innovative sales strategies for companies. He argues that in order to offer a high-quality customer experience, you must approach every customer interaction as if you are still trying to earn their business.
You must apply your own customer expectations to your entire company’s products and services.
14. Be Consistently Positive
Dan Gingiss is a digital marketing and customer success executive and keynote speaker. He has authored multiple books, including The Experience Maker: How to Create Remarkable Experiences That Your Customers Can’t Wait to Share (2021).
His customer loyalty quote forms part of Gingiss’ WISER Method, which explains how to create customer experiences that are witty, immersive, shareable, extraordinary, and responsive.
15. Customers Care About Their Experience
Neil Patel is a well-known digital marketing expert. Patel believes that businesses should prioritize not only new customer acquisition but also existing customer experience. Both new and existing customers generate company growth, and their number one concern is their own buying experience.
5 Controversial Customer Loyalty Quotes
Pursuing customer loyalty is generally seen as a positive attribute for a business, but some controversial opinions exist.
These quotes may be controversial because they challenge the conventional wisdom that customer loyalty should be a top business priority. However, they also offer alternative perspectives and insights that could benefit your business approach.
16. Customer Service Is Marketing
A political science graduate, Jay Baer is an author, marketing consultant, and entrepreneur. He founded a digital marketing consultancy that helps businesses scale up their content marketing and customer experience strategies.
This quote is part of his argument that customer loyalty is not enough to produce the desired word-of-mouth marketing and referrals. It is taken from his book, Hug Your Haters: How to Embrace Complaints and Keep Your Customers (2016). He sees customer complaints as a source of learning and an opportunity to turn non-customers into advocates by responding quickly and effectively.
17. Loyal Customers Are Like Zombies
Peter Shankman is an entrepreneur, author, and speaker on customer experience and neurodiversity in the workplace.
In his book, Zombie Loyalists: Using Great Service to Create Rabid Fans (2015), Shankman describes how to use outstanding service to create loyal customers for your brand. The book explains how to exceed customer expectations and delight them with every interaction so that they become brand advocates who spread positive word-of-mouth and bring in more business.
He also provides practical tips and examples on how to train your employees, communicate with your customers, leverage social media, and measure your results.
18. Customers Do Not Know What They Want
Zecho Dobrev is a data analyst, consultant, and author. He surveyed around 19,000 customers to learn what drives value for them. In his latest book, The Big Miss: How Organizations Overlook the Value of Emotions (2022), Dobrev argues that companies frequently misunderstand customer behaviors and miss growth opportunities because of this.
Customers may seem loyal because of repeat purchases, but this does not always prove there is an emotional attachment to your brand. The secret to customer loyalty is establishing this emotional bond that will stop them from choosing a more affordable or convenient alternative.
19. Invest In Leadership First
Blake Morgan is a marketing and customer experience consultant and the author of The Customer of the Future (2019). She suggests that businesses should focus on nurturing a customer-focused leadership team to ultimately create exceptional customer experiences.
20. Partner With Your Competition
Shep Hyken is a customer service expert and author of seven best-selling books in this subject area. During the pandemic, he wrote about what businesses can do when a customer wants a product or service that is not available. One of the strategies he advocates is suggesting a competitor that has what the customer is looking for. There is an advantageous way to do this; partner with your competitors so they would do the same in another situation for you.
Speaking of controversy, one of the most customer-obsessed companies in the world, Amazon, also bears contentions around their customer service and working conditions. Some people say that the company’s focus on low prices and fast delivery comes at the expense of its employees and customer service.
Critics argue that Amazon’s customer service is often impersonal and difficult to navigate, with long wait times and limited support options. Supporters say that the company’s focus on efficiency and innovation has provided customers with a wide selection of products at competitive prices.
They also point to Amazon’s investments in technology and infrastructure as evidence of its commitment to improving customer service.
It is worth noting that opinions about customer service differ, with some insights providing inspiration and others creating friction around what it means to have loyal, satisfied customers.
With this in mind, let us look into a few business trends regarding benchmarking and fostering customer loyalty.
Industry Trends And Customer Loyalty Benchmarks
Keeping up with industry trends and benchmarks can help businesses stay ahead of the curve and adapt to changing customer expectations. Studying what other companies in their industries are doing to improve customer loyalty can be helpful for your own business context.
Customer Loyalty Trends
Personalization and customization: Customers are increasingly expecting personalized and customized experiences from businesses. According to a 2018 study by Epsilon, 80% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase when brands offer personalized experiences. Businesses that are able to tailor their offerings to individual customers are likely to see increased loyalty and retention rates.
Digital channels: With the rise of ecommerce and social media, customers are increasingly using digital channels to interact with businesses. According to a 2020 McKinsey report, 80% of customers desire and expect personalized digital experiences.
Sustainability and social responsibility: Many customers are prioritizing businesses that demonstrate a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. According to research by Nielsen IQ, 66% of global consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable brands, and 55% are willing to pay more for products that come from socially responsible companies.
Omnichannel experiences: Customers expect seamless experiences across all channels, including in-store, online, and mobile. According to a 2019 study by Harvard Business Review, the top three drivers of customer loyalty are exceptional customer service, digital access, and ease of use.
Benchmarking Customer Loyalty
In terms of customer loyalty benchmarks, there are several metrics that businesses can use to track and measure their success in this area. These include:
Net promoter score (NPS): NPS is a metric that measures the likelihood of customers recommending a business to others. A high NPS score indicates strong customer loyalty and advocacy.
Repeat purchase rate: This metric measures the percentage of customers that make multiple purchases from a business over time. A high repeat purchase rate indicates strong customer loyalty and engagement.
Customer Loyalty Index (CLI): CLI asks customers to rate their experiences on a scale of 1–6, creating a composite score to assess overall satisfaction.
By keeping up with industry trends and tracking these key customer loyalty metrics, businesses can better understand their customers’ needs and behaviors. This will help you develop more effective strategies for building loyalty and retention at your company.
Key Takeaways
It is clear that focusing on customer loyalty is beneficial to your business. Learning how various business owners and leaders approach customer experience reveals the many faces of customer loyalty. There are three main takeaways from the quotes on customer loyalty shared in this post.
3 Takeaways On Customer Loyalty:
Building customer loyalty is critical for businesses to achieve long-term customer satisfaction and retention.
Business leaders across the globe emphasize the importance of focusing on customer experience, building long-lasting emotional connections, and being loyal to customers.
Trust and positive interactions with the brand are key to winning over customers and achieving true customer loyalty.
We recommend leveraging these insights and strategies to improve your customer loyalty programs and drive business success.
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